Hurricane season is upon us once again here in Southeastern Louisiana. Even though it’s been years since we’ve experienced a severe hurricane, you never know when the next big one is going to hit and knock out power to Northshore and Southshore homes for weeks, much less when we’ll experience a smaller storm, which can
  They’re something we here on the Northshore and Metro New Orleans often take for granted, until they suddenly go out. Our water heaters. Those of us who love long, hot showers are often suddenly jolted to an unwelcome reality when our hot water heaters go out and we’re left with nothing more than frigid
Many Northshore and Metro New Orleans residents overlook it, but your home’s indoor air quality is really important. In fact, did you know that the average Southeastern Louisiana homeowner has a home with air that is more contaminated than the air right outside in their front yards?   But the contaminated air inside your home
Are you ready to start stashing away some major cash? Your neighbors are doing it right now, and you don’t even know about it!  Hear how Lance Cagnolotti did just that. So, how could you squeeze an extra $150 to $200 a month out of your budget? Our solution; install a variable speed air conditioning
My, what a crazy Louisiana winter we’ve had! With temperatures literally dropping below freezing level multiple times, and days of snow and ice here in the deep South, our heating & cooling units have really been working on overdrive this season. And before you know it, summer will be here and instead of trying to
Mardi Gras is over. The freezes and snow are over (hopefully). And just like that, there’s green grass and tree buds sprouting everywhere!. Spring is here all across metro New Orleans! But along with the change of seasons, comes additional spring allergies! And according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, in 2015, 8.2%
In south Louisiana, loss of power is, unfortunately becoming more and more common.  More severe storms and the threat of hurricanes are making whole house generators a must have appliance for many homeowners. There is nothing worse than adding to the anxiety of a hurricane, than being anxious in 90+ degree heat and oppressive humidity.
This award reflects the company’s consistently high level of customer service  Benfatti  Air Conditioning & Heating has  earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an exemplary year of service provided to members of the local services marketplace and consumer review site in 2015. We have been serving metro New Orleans and
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You are probably losing hundreds of dollars a year because hot air is leaking out of your attic into your home.  Take a look at the attic door and the space around it.   Now you can eliminate that problem with an economical Attic Tent that creates an airtight barrier to the attic entrance.  It’s