

For Slidell, Covington, Mandeville & Metro New Orleans 

Whether you live in metro New Orleans, one thing is for certain: it gets humid down here!


In fact, one of the first things that non-Louisianans think of when they think of Southern Louisiana is our hot and humid summers…and alligators.

When you come inside your home or business, though, especially during the summer months, you want to leave the stickiness behind. That’s why as part of our comprehensive comfort services, we offer free consultations on dehumidifiers in Slidell, Mandeville, Covington & metro New Orleans.

What is a Dehumidifier?

A dehumidifier is a special device that you can install either in a single room – or throughout your whole house using a whole-home version – to reduce the humidity that exists in your home.

Dehumidifiers offer customers several benefits, including: 

  • Less humidity in your home.
  • Reduced allergies.
  • Less likelihood of mold growing in your home.
  • Eliminating the musty smell we often have in our Southeastern Louisiana homes.
  • Allows your clothes to dry faster, eliminates signs of corrosion on your electronics, and even makes your bread stay fresh, longer.

Why You Need Benfatti To Help Select and Install a Dehumidifier

While it’s true you can purchase a room-based dehumidifier at a local hardware store, only working with an expert will let you select a model that can be installed to dehumidify your entire home.

Wherever you are on the Northshore or Metro New Orleans, Benfatti Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help you find the right dehumidifying solution for your home.

Call Us Today for a Free Estimate

Don’t trust your home to a hardware store sales rep or cashier who doesn’t know the ins and outs of dehumidifying solutions. Instead, trust Benfatti Air Conditioning and Heating, with years of experience selecting and installing whole-home dehumidifiers to keep Southeastern Louisiana homes comfortable and allergy free.

To receive a free estimate, reach out to us directly. Call us at at (985) 646-0540 on the Northshore, and (504) 241-3135 in Metro New Orleans.