February Inspection Offer
Get $198 Worth of Time and Money-Saving Value
for Just $79
- Full Inspection
- Carbon Monoxide Test
- Repair-Free Guarantee
Do You Know This Dark and Dirty Secret?
A lot of folks in our industry don’t really want to talk about the Number 1 reason for system failure: dirt.
The fact is, a new system costs thousands of dollars.
Yet regular maintenance to prevent system failure is just pennies on the dollar.
At Benfatti Air Conditioning, we feel it is our ethical duty to show you how to:
A) save money
B) save time
C) save you hassle and headaches
That’s why we’re making an effort to earn your business with our Full Air Conditioning System Inspection:
- Inspection: We’ll clean your outdoor unit and the main drain line. And check the indoor system for refrigerant leaks. ($99 value)
- Deadly Carbon Monoxide Safety Check: It silently kills families each year and can be present in any season. We’re licensed and trained with the right diagnostic tools. ($99 value)
- Repair-Free Guarantee: No one offers this: If you need any new repairs on your air conditioning system in the next 90 days after your inspection, we’ll refund every penny of the inspection.
- 100% Return On Investment Guaranteed: We’re so confident in our Comfort Specialists, that if you don’t save more in energy over the next 3 months (compared to the same three months last year), we’ll refund you the $79 inspection cost! I mean how can you lose?
So, that’s a $198 of value for just $79! Why?
1) Our season is slow for about 45 days, so now is a great time,
2) We hope you’ll try us out and tell all your friends!
Yet, we expect to get very busy with this offer, so please call 985-646-0540 today to schedule your appointment.
- Offer subject to change without notice